Grabbing the Purse–The Abuse of Dorothy Luck


The PPJ Gazette

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Diane Wilson


Every time I read about another abusive guardianship case, I feel ill. I cannot help but wonder why Americans are not rising up in droves and calling their representatives screaming “Stop! Enough! This is wrong on every level!”  

Mainstream Media refuses to report on this horrific crime. Why? Because the gravy train is so lucrative that no one wants it to stop….too many people are making too much money by stealing other people’s money. In the case of Dorothy Luck, she is NOT incompetent, but the judge declared her as incompetent because she refused to settle in a lawsuit and simply because he could. Dorothy describes the probate court overseen by Tarrant County Judge Steve M. King as a “well-oiled group of people who can’t seem to find a way to make money except to take it away from other people.”

In Nassau County Supreme Court in Mineola, NY, the late Judge Joel Asarch…

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